How would you define the term “creative writing”? What do you consider it to be? How do you plan to promote yourself as a writer?
Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, creative writing is the art of expressing ideas through words and images. Some creative writers choose to share their work online via blogs, articles, books, or magazines. Others prefer to develop their skills offline using workshops, classes, conferences, or freelance opportunities on
There are several ways to get started as a writer. Here are 10suggestions from successful authors:
1. Find out who publishes your genre
Writers’ organizations and publishers produce newsletters, journals, and guides aimed at helping new writers succeed. Make sure you subscribe to these publications before sending off any manuscripts.
2. Start submitting your work to literary magazines
Many literary magazines accept unsolicited submissions. Once you’ve found a publication you want to submit to, read over the guidelines carefully. If you don’t meet the submission criteria, try another magazine.
3. Get feedback on your work
Your friends, family members, teachers, mentors, and colleagues can give invaluable feedback about how to improve your writing style and craft. Listen closely to what they say — if something doesn’t ring true, find out why by asking questions or talking further.
4. Take part in contests to increase exposure
Contests offer an opportunity for early recognition and awards. They often involve a short story or poem competition, essay contest, book review, or even performance event.
5. Become a professional speaker
Speaking engagements help build your reputation as a professional writer. Check with local venues to see which types of events they host. You may also look into being a guest author or contributing to the content of a trade journal article.

6. Write for other people’s websites
Write articles and blog posts specifically designed for search engine optimization (SEO). Keep in mind that some popular bloggers charge fees for this type of work. Some online casino sites also pay for high-quality editorial content.
7. Submit work to online news sections
Most newspapers and magazines have online versions where freelancers can contribute original content. The key here is to make sure you’re pitching a story worth covering.
8. Use social media
Posting photos, videos, and status updates on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest can provide free publicity. Be careful not to post too much personal information, though. Many employers check employment references before hiring.
9. Join professional organizations
Joining an organization will open up more career options since there are usually many others involved in similar pursuits. Plus, it helps expand your network and learn about industry trends.
10. Join an online community
Online communities are great places to connect with like-minded individuals interested in the same topics as you. Sites like LinkedIn and Quora allow you to join groups based on industry, job title, interests, or topic of conversation.
The Bottom Line
Breaking into the industry as a freelance writer requires hard work, perseverance, and dedication. But once you get started, you’ll find that writing comes easily and the money starts rolling in!